Sunday 4 December 2016


                       The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, 'Prepare ye the way of the Lord.
                                        Make straight in the desert a highway for our God'

Last week 'Patriarchs'. This week 'Prophets'... 

Blessed are you, sovereign Lord, just and true:
to you be praise and glory for ever.
Of old you spoke by the mouth of your prophets,
but in our day you speak through your Son,
whom you have appointed the heir of all things.
Grant us, your people, to walk in his light,
that we may be found ready and watching
when he comes again in glory and judgement;
for you are our light and our salvation.
Blessed be God for ever.


The church will be open after Morning Prayer until 12 noon, and the first of the weekly Prayer Spaces will be there as an additional focus for meditation.

Why not drop in beforehand if you're going to the monthly Residents' Association meeting at the Bold...(11.00 a.m.)?

Apart from the immense amount of work done by our clergy, David and Allison, the parish is so lucky to have a tremendous amount of lay support. Tomorrow our lay pastors meet as they reflect on their quiet ministry of care for church members.

And if you're limbering up for Christmas, there's Pilates in the hall at 18.00 and 19.00.


Nearly £250 was raised by Advent Soup, with the vote going to N.A.A.S.H. (Northampton Association for Accommodation of Single Homeless) as the charity most people wanted to support.

Half the money will go to them, with the rest divided equally between the two other nominated charities: The Northamptonshire Historic Churches Trust, and the Emmanuel Coffee Shop. Thank you very much to all who provided the food, and all who made time in their busy schedules to be there to enjoy it.

                                                                     'Say "soup"!

                 News Briefing

No lack of prophets, false or true
In these fast shortening latter days.
Easy slogans spew from every electronic mouth
Coarse clamouring for our attention
And God gets little mention.

We are held in the gnawing grip
Of disorienting dilemmas
Through the medium of which
Enterprising moguls grow louche and rich.

When Jesus came
Bursting through the cracks in space and time
The earth re-booted, normalised.
And still he comes
To reconcile and heal.
Defenceless, candid, opens his eyes,
Speaks truth to power.
And so he dies.
                               Vince Cross

                                                  Dancing in the Dark: Tallinn, Estonia

People of God: be glad!
Your God delights in you,
giving you joy for sadness
and turning the dark to light.
Be strong in hope therefore;
for your God comes to save.
You are God's children.
Lord, make us one in the love of Christ
today and for ever.

Some of the prayers, collects and liturgical material in these posts is copyright of the Church of England and is reprinted with their kind permission.

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